Khan Academy Wiki
Type: Avatar
Introduced in: 2012
Requirement: Ranges from stage

Amelia is the group of female robotic avatars on Khan Academy and is the female counterpart to Johnny. She has 3 styles.

Style 1: Amelia

  • This is the first style of the Amelia group of avatars and can be unlocked by earning 50,000 energy points.
  • This avatar looks like a young baby female robot with its body developing and is the first stage of this avatar's life.
  • This avatar has always been called Amelia.

Style 2: Ada

  • This is the second style of the Amelia group of avatars and can be unlocked by earning 100,000 energy points.
  • This avatar looks like an elder version of Amelia, now with a proper body and is the second stage of Amelia's life.
  • This avatar earlier used to be called Ada.

Style 3: Grace

  • This is the third style of the Amelia group of avatars and can be unlocked by earning 250,000 energy points.
  • This avatar looks like an adult female robot and is the third stage of Amelia's life.
  • Not many users can be found with this avatar because of its high requirement, but some of the users that meet the requirements like to use her because she shows a great achievement. People with private profiles can also use this avatar to show they have obtained 250,000 energy points as private profiles do not show how many points a user has.
  • This avatar earlier used to be called Grace.

How to code Amelia

Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3
