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The Dividing polynomials by binomials 1 exercise appears under the Algebra II Math Mission and Mathematics III Math Mission. This exercise practices using the operation of division with polynomials.

Types of Problems[]

There is one type of problem in this exercise:

  1. Divide the polynomials and determine the restriction: This problem has a ratio of polynomials with a binomial in the denominator. The user is asked to correctly simplify the ratio and provide the restriction on the domain of the expression.

    Divide the polynomials and determine the restriction


Knowledge of fractions and factoring are encouraged to ensure success on this exercise.

  1. In these problems, the numerator is a monic polynomial with leading coefficient of one.
  2. The denominator is one of the factors of the numerator.
  3. The restricted domain answer is the zero of the binomial in the denominator (where the bottom is zero).

Real-life Applications[]

  1. Rational expressions are an abstraction of fractions and increase proficiency with fractions.
  2. Rational equations occur in "Work rate problems" and problems.
  3. Knowledge of algebra is essential for higher math levels like trigonometry and calculus. Algebra also has countless applications in the real world.