Khan Academy Wiki
Converting larger units to smaller units
Measurement-units 256
Exercise Name: Converting larger units to smaller units
Math Missions: 4th grade (U.S.) Math Mission, 5th grade (U.S.) Math Mission
Types of Problems: 2

The Converting larger units to smaller units exercise appears under the 4th grade (U.S.) Math Mission, 5th grade (U.S.) Math Mission. This exercise practices converting between some basic units in time, USCS and metric systems.

Types of Problems[]

There are two types of problems in this exercise:

  1. Complete table: This problem has a chart that changes some units into some other units. The student is to fill in the missing information.

    Complete table

  2. Convert units: This problem simply asks the student to change some units into some other units.

    Convert units


This exercise should be easy for accuracy badges and speed badges because the conversions are basic and only integers are used. However, research indicates that the timing tolerance may still be set a little strict as speed badges were not being awarded despite fast answering.

  1. Answers will be integers on this exercise.
  2. Students should be careful with their zeroes on metric conversions.

Real-life Applications[]

  1. Units are used for many things such as cooking, placing new carpet, etc.