Khan Academy Wiki

Primosaur is a group of avatars on Khan Academy. Primosaur was released on September 29, 2016.

Named by the Khan Academy staff.

There are 5 stages of this avatars life.

Stage 1: Primosaur (Seed)[]

  • This stage of Primosaur's life is one of the most basic avatars on Khan Academy. It is usable when the user first joins, so the user doesn't need any energy points for it.
  • It's a round, yellow seed with eyes. It looks like a yellow raindrop/seed.

Stage 2: Primosaur (Seedling)[]

  • This stage of Primosaur's life is obtainable after earning 10,000 energy points.
  • It looks like the first version, just with a leaf/bean pod on its head and legs beginning to sprout out.

Stage 3: Primosaur (Sapling)[]

  • This stage of Primosaur's life is obtainable after earning 50,000 energy points.
  • In this stage its legs have more of a middle position, its body now more horizontal, the beginning of what looks like horns can also be seen at this stage. It now has a tail with a leaf on the end, in a zigzag pattern.

Stage 4: Primosaur (Tree)[]

  • This stage of Primosaur's life is obtainable after earning 100,000 energy points.
  • It now has two sets of legs, its tail leaf has shrunken and its horns have now gotten longer and adapted the zigzag shape of its tail. Its body has also gotten thicker as well.

Stage 5: Primosaur (Ultimate)[]

  • This stage of Primosaur's life is obtainable after earning 250,000 energy points.
  • In this stage (the final stage) it has gotten MUCH thicker, its feet are more webbed, and it has developed a protective covering on its top and bottom. The tail is not as thick and has a profound zigzag shape and the same with its eyes. Mouth is now more visible.


See Also[]

Avatar List