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Graphs of antiderivatives
Graphs-of-antiderivatives 256
Exercise Name: Graphs of antiderivatives
Math Missions: Integral calculus Math Mission
Types of Problems: 2

The Graphs of antiderivatives exercise appears under the Integral calculus Math Mission. This exercise shows how basic antiderivatives are graphed in respect to their constants.

Title903417708 (1)

Find the integral of the function and take into account the constant

Types of Problems[]

There are two types of problems in this exercise:

  1. Find and graph the general indefinite integral given: The user is asked to find the antiderivative of the function given and then graph it.
  2. Graph the original function given the antiderivative: The user is asked to use the antiderivative to graph the original function.


Knowledge of basic antiderivatives concepts are encouraged to ensure success on this exercise.

  1. When the original function is increasing, the antiderivative is positive.
  2. When the original function is decreasing, the antiderivative is negative.
  3. If the antiderivative has a interval of a zero slope, the original function has an interval of a zero slope.

Real-life Applications[]

  1. Calculus describes how function change and experience with analysis of graphs will increase ability in calculus.