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Matrix addition and subtraction
Matrix addition and subtraction 256
Exercise Name: Matrix addition and subtraction
Math Missions: Algebra II Math Mission, Precalculus Math Mission, Mathematics III Math Mission
Types of Problems: 2

The Matrix addition and subtraction exercise appears under the Algebra II Math Mission, Precalculus Math Mission and Mathematics III Math Mission. This exercise adding and subtracting matrices together.

Types of Problems[]

Screenshot 2014-10-20 at 10.14
Screenshot 2014-10-20 at 10.13

There is are two types of problems that appear this exercise:

  1. Add two matrices together - This problem provides two matrices. The user is asked to add the two matrices and correctly type the sum of the matrices in the space provided to the right.
  2. Subtract two matrices together - This problem provides two matrices. The user is asked to find the difference between the two matrices and correctly type the sum of the matrices in the space provided to the right.


Knowledge of adding and subtracting negative numbers will assure success.

  1. To add two matrices, add the corresponding terms in each matrix together.
  2. To find the difference between two matrices, a similar logic is used.
  3. Remember that only matrices with the same dimensions can be added or subtracted.

Real-life Applications[]

  1. Matrix mathematics applies to several branches of science, as well as different mathematical disciplines.
  2. Matrix arithmetic helps us calculate the electrical properties of a circuit, with voltage, amperage, resistance, etc.