Khan Academy Wiki

The Programming Challenges are used to help Khan Academy users to learn several computer programming languages (HTML/CSS, ProcessingJS library, SQL).


A user doing a programming challenge in Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation

Intro to SQL: Querying and managing databases

Challenges with Khan Academy users have to complete to acquire Intro to SQL: Querying and managing databases.

SQL basics

More advanced SQL queries

Relational queries in SQL

Modifying databases with SQL

HTML/JS: Making webpages interactive

Challenges which Khan Academy users have to complete to acquire HTML/JS: Making webpages interactive.

JS and the DOM

DOM access methods

DOM modification

DOM events

DOM animation

HTML/CSS: Making webpages

Challenges which Khan Academy users have to complete to acquire HTML/CSS: Making webpages:

Intro to HTML

Intro to CSS

More HTML tags

CSS text properties

CSS Layout

More CSS selectors

Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation Mastery

Challenges which Khan Academy users have to complete to acquire Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation Mastery:

Drawing basics



Animation basics

Text and Strings


Logic and if Statements




Object-Oriented Design

Advanced JS: Games & Visualizations

Challenges which Khan Academy users have to complete in the Advanced JS: Games & Visualizations: Transformations

Scene management


Making a Side Scroller: Hoppy Beaver

Making a Memory Game

Advanced JS: Natural Simulations

Challenges which Khan Academy users have to complete to acquire Advanced JS: Natural Simulations:





Angular Movement


Particle Systems

HTML/JS: Making webpages interactive

JS and the DOM

DOM access methods

DOM modification

DOM events

DOM animation

HTML/JS: Making webpages interactive With jQuery

Welcome to jQuery

DOM access with jQuery

DOM modification with jQuery

jQuery techniques

DOM events with jQuery

Form processing with jQuery

DOM animation & effects with jQuery