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The topic Systems of equations word problems appears under the Algebra II Math Mission and Mathematics III Math Mission. This exercise practices word problems with systems of equations.

Types of Problems[]

There is one type of problem in this exercise:

  1. Solve the word problem: This problem has various word problems that involve linear equations and user is asked to solve them by using systems of equations.
Systems of equations word problems

Solve the word problem.


Knowledge of the systems of equations are essential to have success while doing this exercise.

  1. A system of equations is a set of equations with the same variables. If the equations are all linear, then user has a system of linear equations.
  2. To solve a system of equations, user needs to figure out the variable values that solve all the equations involved.
  3. An ordered pair is a solution of the system only when it is a solution of each of the given equations.

Real-life Applications[]

  1. The problems of this exercise can be viewed as real-life applications.
  2. Equations show up in nearly every science or business class one is ever in.
  3. Computers are also equation solvers. Computers were originally invented to solve equations over and over again instead of humans doing the calculations.